1. Register by TEXT ONLY.
TEXT ME at 530-864-1087 and send your name and email address.
2. Receive an outline
Prior to the seminar (probably a day before) an outline will be emailed to you as an attachment file. You can take notes on your computer or print the outline. So make sure I have your email address.
3. Connect to ZOOM video conferencing if not attending at the seminar location.
Within a week prior to the seminar, an EMAIL will be sent to you with the seminar Zoom link. You can access that link through email on your computer or cell phone. Once you press the link, follow any prompts necessary to activate video and audio. It is my understanding that your ability to see other zoom participants is limited if you are using your cell phone. If you have no Zoom experience and need help, contact me one week before the seminar and we can do a dry run.
4. Consider financial support
There is no cost for the seminar, but I would ask that you prayerfully consider a financial gift as support for my family comes from my ministry on Sunday mornings and also these seminars.. See the PARTNER WITH ME link
5. Changes or updates to the seminar
Check text messages frequently since that is how I will communicate with you of any changes or updates (even the possibility of last minute cancellation due to sickness - hope not!) .
6. Invite others to join you
I'm convinced that many Christians don't have a big picture of what God is up to and how they fit. We tend to do many Christian activities such as pray, study, and witness.
But why do we do them? What's it all about? How do we put the Christian life together in a way that takes all of its pieces, activities to do, disciplines to follow, and commandments to obey, so that we have biblically clear tracks to run on.
My goal is to help you see your God and your walk through a biblically-based, God-exalting, joy-producing lens!
Who would benefit? Pastors and leaders who are equipping others to grow and minister; parents who are training and instructing their children in the ways of the Lord; mentors who are discipling and teaching others. Christians at all levels of maturity who are trying to understand what God is up to in their lives. And unbelievers who are curious what the Christian life is all about.
We all need to be instructed and encouraged. We all tend to get "stuck" in our walk. Even if we're not stuck, we all need to be challenged to think in ways maybe we haven't thought of before. I am certain some of you will say, "why haven't I been taught this or heard of this emphasis?" It may be a paradigm shift for you in some ways.
We all are influencing others which requires us to be equipped. We need to know where we are headed. We need to be able to give others, in a clear and compelling way, a big picture perspective of why they are on earth and what is required of them.
It's a wondrous journey! It would be my pleasure to be able to be your tour guide and those you invite as together we travel towards the greatest and most soul-satisfying destination imaginable, HisGloryOurJoy
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